Thursday, August 8, 2013

Troop Choices

For this weekend's 2500 pt event at my local store. I set about planning my troop choices with something specific in mind.  Normally I like to bring a couple strong units, but for this event I decided to max out the amount of heavy weapons on my side of the board.  Since Templar currently lack the ability to take Devastator Squads, I thought it might be interesting to abuse the outdated rules of the Templar Codex.  For each of my Crusader Squads, I am running them as a minimal sized five man unit with a heavy weapon.  For survivability, most of the squads will be used to support each other.  With this in mind I've built my troop choices as one of three different types.

Couch Potato Knights

Two squads are going to be tasked with sitting in my back field holding home objectives and lobbing shots across the board.  One squad will be given a Lascannon and will be manning my Aegis Defense Line, while the other will be equipped with a Plasma Cannon.  Both units will also be equipped with standard bolters.  For both of these units, objective placement will be key.  If I'm facing Marines, I will be placing my mid-field objectives just outside of 24 inch range to keep them within hitting distance of my heavy weapons, yet still outside range of their Bolters.  The Lascannon squad will have an objective within reach, and will be tasked with targeting enemy armor pressing the objectives in the mid-field.  The Plasma Cannon squad will be nearby the other unit to provide support from infiltrating troops, yet be hunting mid-range infantry with its AP2 blast.  Should my Plasma Cannon blow itself up, I plan to keep the units close enough that the remaining marines could get in front of the Lascannon and provide a human screen.

Mid-field Champions

Four squads will be given Missile Launchers and sent out into the mid-field to hunt objectives and cause problems.  I tested this earlier this week and had some success.  I was able to get missiles planted on each side of the board, picking their targets.  The beauty of these units is that they're weak enough to not require immediate notice, but still have a bite to them.  By running four of these I increase the likelihood that the Missile Launchers are going to have an effect in determining how the mid-field fighting goes.  The goal of these squads is to force my opponent to react to my troops and give me some control over their movement.  By dictating even a portion of the board, it will free up my last two troops to move as they need to.

The last two squads will be acting as Templars ought to.  They are taking the fight to the enemy.  Both units will be placed in rhinos and and given a Bolt Pistol/Power Fist each, with Bolt Pistols/Close Combat Weapons for the rest of the squads.  By the time the rhinos ride into the enemy deployment zone, my two command squads and other trouble units should be engaging the more troublesome enemy units.  My hope is that at least one of the rhinos will escape direct attention and be free to hunker down in terrain and await late game objective grabs (or at least late game contesting).  I debated giving the squad a Power Sword instead of the Power Fists, but ultimately decided the ability to wreck vehicles and break 2+ armor would be more beneficial.

What do you think about my troops choices?  Leave a comment below and thanks for reading!

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