Friday, August 9, 2013

Fast Attack and Fortifications

Rounding out the exploration of my 2500 pt list, I have my Fast Attack and Fortification.  I played with this portion of the list quite a bit before deciding the final draft.  I had initially run a dreadnought in this list and he did well in the test game.  However, my Land Raider Crusader needed something to help pressure the other side of the board.  For this I thought my Fast Attack options would be best.

Land Speeders

As a Templar player I never leave home without my Land Speeders.  Cheap speeders are one of the benefits we have from an older codex.  With the points I had available I loaded out my speeders with Typhoon Missile Launchers and multi-melta.  Typhoon Land Speeders are deceptively vicious.  Far too often I have opponents who ignore my speeders for most of the game.  While it is relatively easy to pop a land speeder, I can flit around the back field wrecking vehicles and picking off infantry models while my opponent focuses on the Land Raider or other units.  I usually don't give my speeders a Multi-Melta.  If I find my speeders within melta range it's likely I won"t have that speeder for much longer.  But I had some extra points to play with and the added threat of melta gives me options should an opposing Land Raider or other vehicle get into my deployment zone.  I am running two of these Speeders independently of each other so each speeder can move around and create cross fire situations.


I've been running a Stormtalon since the Templar received them in the Death from the Skies supplement, and have not been disappointed.  The only real issue I have with them is that I only own one.  The game I played last week against another Templar player saw him bringing three Stormtalons.  I thought one was good but three meant I could even ignore them for most of the game.  While a Stormtalon, at armor 11, needs some form of support, it will bring me some heavy weapon support.  I'll be running the Stormtalon loaded out with twin-linked Assault Cannon and a twin-linked Lascannon.  I have a lot of missiles in my list and wanted something extra to target armor 14 vehicles reliably.

Assault Squad

The trick with my Assault Squad is keeping them alive to get into combat and do their thing.  With 2500 pts I opted to give the entire squad Storm Shields.  A 3++ save means that my opponent will have to focus all their fire, or get extremely lucky, to bring down the squad before they get into combat.  This forces my oppenent to choose between firing at my Land Raider and firing at the Assault Squad.  For some extra oomf I'm giving the entire squad melta bombs and dropping in one power fist.  


Our current meta around town has yet to see an over-abundance of fliers.  A few people enjoy deploying them, but we rarely see a player spamming necron fliers.  However, with the style of event, I am expecting to see more fliers than usual.  For this, and for supporting my Stormtalon, I will be running my Aegis Defense Line.  For my gun emplacement, I am taking the Icarus Lascannon.  While I  won't have all the shots of the quad gun, I pay less for a strength 9 shot.  I always place my Lascannon Crusader squad with my Icaraus Lascannon so when I don't have any fliers to shoot at I have the option to fire two str 9 shots at vehicles and units.  

So there's my list for the upcoming event.  If you have any ideas, questions or comments please post them below.  I'll be chiming in later on the Black Templar joining the main marine codex.  Thanks for reading!

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