Friday, September 13, 2013

My first Venture Out with the New Codex

It took me a week, but I'm finally getting to my first game of the new codex.  My local store's monthly game pulled out an odd game type to add some variety, so if my list seems lopsided, it was with the game style in mind.

            High Marshal Helbrecht 180pts
                        3 Honor Guard, Drop Pod w/ Deathwind Launcher 135pts
Crusader Squad 85pts
5 Initiates, Plasma Cannon

Crusader Squad 174pts
5 Initiates, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades,
                        1 Sword Brother, Power Weapon, combi-melta

            Crusader Squad 174pts
5 Initiates, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapons, Rhino w/ Dozer Blades,
                        1 Sword Brother, Power Weapon, combi-melta
Crusader Squad 455pts
9 Initiates, Power Weapon, Bolt Pistols and Close Combat Weapon, Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-melta
                        1 Sword Brother, Power Weapon, Combi-melta
Fast Attack
            Stormtalon Gunship 140pts
                        Twin-linked Assault Cannon, Twin-linked Lascannon
Heavy Support
Centurion Devastator Squad 290pts
2 Twin-linked Lascannon, 1 Grav-cannon and grav-amp, Omniscope,  3 Missile Launchers


With Helbrecht finally being an HQ worth taking, I leapt at an opportunity to run him.  With the special rules for the event, there is a chance that my warlord may have to go into reserve at the begging of the game.  Without Eternal Warrior, he risks getting popped early by walking onto the board, so I chose to give him a minimum honor guard to both boost him and offer some survivability.


The smallest Crusader Squad will be tasked with holding the center objective.  The plasma cannon is aimed at giving the squad some survivability should a 2+ armor squad escape my tarpitting units.

The two squads in rhinos will be acting as both tarpits and character hunting units.  And if they have an opportunity, they'll use the combi-melta to either wreck vehicles or insta-kill characters.  Thanks to Marshal Laeroth for the insight.  For 10 points, it seems like an auto include.

The final Crusader Squad will have two tasks. If I'm the defender, they'll be hunting shooty units to force them into close combat range.  If I end up as the attacker, they'll be tasked with opening a hole to the objective.

Fast Attack

I enjoy taking Stormtalons and they rarely disappoint.  My biggest concern is the amount of Aegis Defense Lines I often see at these events.  I may have to drop pod Helbrecht in a place to deal with any quad guns.  What I like most about the Stormtalon is that it forces my opponent to find a solution for it. It packs enough punch to hurt anything on the board.

Heavy Support

It's strange for me to run something in this slot as I rarely ran tanks in the last codex.  While the Centurions seem great I worry about how expensive it is to run them.  With no invulnerable save, they'll be at risk to any Tau players I face.  With that in mind, I didn't want to spam grav cannons until I knew how they preformed on the table.

Leave a comment below and thanks for reading !


  1. I'm curious how the game(s) went! Battle reports?

  2. I just sat down to do a write up. Unfortunately, I was in my own little world and didn't take a single photo. And so, it'll be more of a redux on the day's tactics. A real shame since one of my opponents had a beautifully painted Blood Angel/IG force.
